About us

The International Moving Man Institute

The International Moving Man Institute (Moving Man) is dedicated to protect and further develop the conceptual and methodological foundation of the Moving Man Community, and to provide workshops, self development groups as well as Moving Man Facilitator and Trainer trainings.

Moving Man is a male community dedicated to support the self development of men. Our community’s misson is to help the men of the world to get in touch and unfold their own authentic self and particularly maleness. We believe, that not one kind of masculinity exists but as many as man in the world. We are dedicated to personal journeys around maleness, wellcoming anyone who lives in a male body regardless of race, colour, origion, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or phisical condition.

The International Moving Man Institute ©

Meet the Founders

Árpád Kántor

Árpád Kántor

Clinical psychologist, focus-oriented therapist (TIFI, https://focusing.org/), integrative somato-psychotherapist (EEPSSA, https://www.eepssa.org/), relaxation and symbol therapist (https://relaxacio.hu/), leader of the Hungarian focus-oriented therapy training (HIFFOP, https://fokuszolas.hu/), former president of the Hungarian Somato-psychotherapeutic Association (https://habp.hu/) and co-founder of Moving Man.

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Grégory Chevalier

Independant dance artist and somatic movement educator. Graduated as a Holistic dance pedagogue, leading workshops in Contact Improvisation, Authentic Movement and post modern improvisation since 2012. Co-founder of Moving Man, artistic director of KiT ensemble (www.kitensemble.com), president of the Kontaktland Association (www.kontaktland.com), initiator of Contact Playfight.

Our Facilitators in training

Andor Szabados

Andor Szabados

Balázs Kajor

Balázs Kajor

Botondi Sarkadi-Nagy

Botond Sarkadi-Nagy

Dániel Szabadkai

Dániel Szabadkai

Gergely Királyi

Gergely Királyi

Gergely Tas

Gergely Tas

Sándor Perei

Sándor Perei

Sebestyén Clausen

Sebestyén Clausen

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Walter Zimmermann

Balázs Hende

Balázs Hende

Szalay Csaba

Szalay Csaba

Our partners

Marc Rackelmann

Marc Rackelmann