Upcoming events

Moving Man 2 year group
The purpose of the 2 year group: To get to know and fulfill the unique man inside you in order to live a happier, more authentic and free life, and to be a truer companion to all those you connect with.
Group leaders: Árpád Kántor., Chevalier Grégory

Nyitott Moving Man műhely
Ez a műhely egy lehetőség, hogy hasonszőrű férfitársaiddal kapcsolódj és biztonságos, elfogadó környezetben megoszthasd magad, hogy tudatosítsd, feltárd és átéld a mélyen gyökeredző érzéseidet, beleértve azokat is, amelyek a társadalomban tabunak számítanának.
Csoportvezetők: Clausen Sebestyén, Hende Balázs
Nyitott Moving Man műhely
Szeretettel várunk a Moving Man négynapos elvonulására, ahol mélyebb kapcsolatot alakíthatsz ki önmagaddal és más férfiakkal egy biztonságos, elfogadó közegben.
Csoportvezetők: Sarkadi-Nagy Botond, Clausen Sebestyén
Nyitott Moving Man műhely
During the group, we work on our relationship with our bodies (our movement, posture, and embracing our physical selves), our connection to our emotions (embracing feelings, managing impulses, and using emotions as a compass), our social relationships (surrendering to others, boundary-setting), and our inner and outer anchors (the boy, the wild man, the father).
Group Leaders: Andor Szabados, Sándor Perei
Past events
Moving Man zárt csoport
An in-depth journey into discovering and fulfilling the unique man inside you in order to live a happier, more authentic and freer life and be a more honest partner to all those you connect with.
Csoportvezetők: Dr. Kántor Árpád, Grégory Chevalier
Nyitott Moving Man műhely
This workshop is for you if you want to explore intimacy, strengthen your masculinity, deepen your relationships, and discover the power of your vulnerability.
Group Leaders: Andor Szabados, Sándor Perei
Moving Man workshop at the Gyüttment Festival
This year, Moving Man appears for the first time at the Gyüttment Festival, offering a unique opportunity to gain insight into the workings of a men's self-awareness group and experience its transformative power.
Group Leaders: Clausen Sebestyén, Kajor Balázs, Királyi Gergely Szabadkai Dániel, Szabados Andor, Perei Sándor
Being a man - sex in relationships
How do we deal with it when sex in our relationship changes? When things don't go as they used to sexually?

Nyitott Moving Man műhely
This workshop is for you if you want to explore intimacy, strengthen your masculinity, deepen your relationships, and discover the power of your vulnerability.
Moving Man zárt csoport
An in-depth journey into discovering and fulfilling the unique man inside you in order to live a happier, more authentic and freer life and be a more honest partner to all those you connect with.
Nyitott Moving Man műhely
This workshop is for you if you want to explore intimacy, strengthen your masculinity, deepen your relationships, and discover the power of your vulnerability.
Nyitott Moving Man műhely
This workshop is for you if you want to explore intimacy, strengthen your masculinity, deepen your relationships, and discover the power of your vulnerability.
Nyitott Moving Man műhely
This workshop is for you if you want to explore intimacy, strengthen your masculinity, deepen your relationships, and discover the power of your vulnerability.