Sebestyén Clausen

I graduated as a German teacher at the Faculty of Humanities. After a decade working in a multinational environment, I made a sharp change and moved to the countryside and started organic farming ( For years, I grew organic vegetables and fruit for 15-20 local families and produced small-scale produce. This has now turned into self-sufficiency and alongside this I have set up a retreat centre on my property. I am currently running this and organizing my own retreats and programmes alongside farming.

After a personal crisis, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, in which the Moving Man process and community played a major role. I have immersed myself in free movements such as 5Rythms, contact improvisation and bodywork. I have participated in a year-long psychodrama process, individual therapy and several self-awareness retreats. In addition, I was a Zen meditation practitioner for many years. I also participated in many family constellation sessions and in time I became a family constellation facilitator. My outlook on life has been dramatically influenced by the non-dual teachings and my experiences in this topic.

Sebestyén Clausen

I was captivated by the diversity of Moving Man's methodology, working not only with verbality but combining somatic and cognitive practices. In fact, if I had to highlight one thing that has been the most valuable benefit of my years in this community, it is the strength of the community and the relationships that have grown into friendships.

It gives me great pleasure as a facilitator to provide opportunity for my male peers to get close to their emotions and find themselves in a safe, honest, accepting environment. In which we can experience, that between men there is not just rivalry, but we can connect truly deeply and honestly and deepen our awareness together. To see ourselves in each other.

„When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.
  Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” (1 Corinthians 13)



Moving Man workshop at the Gyüttment Festival


This year, Moving Man appears for the first time at the Gyüttment Festival, offering a unique opportunity to gain insight into the workings of a men's self-awareness group and experience its transformative power.

Group Leaders: Clausen Sebestyén, Kajor Balázs, Királyi Gergely Szabadkai Dániel, Szabados Andor, Perei Sándor

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Nyitott Moving Man műhely


Ez a műhely egy lehetőség, hogy hasonszőrű férfitársaiddal kapcsolódj és biztonságos, elfogadó környezetben megoszthasd magad, hogy tudatosítsd, feltárd és átéld a mélyen gyökeredző érzéseidet, beleértve azokat is, amelyek a társadalomban tabunak számítanának.

Csoportvezetők: Clausen Sebestyén, Hende Balázs

Walk Out of Darkness 1920 x 1080 keppont VEGLEGES

Nyitott Moving Man műhely


Szeretettel várunk a Moving Man négynapos elvonulására, ahol mélyebb kapcsolatot alakíthatsz ki önmagaddal és más férfiakkal egy biztonságos, elfogadó közegben.

Csoportvezetők: Sarkadi-Nagy Botond, Clausen Sebestyén