Being a man - sex in relationships

Workshop for men with Marc Rackelmann

How do we deal with it when sex in our relationship changes? When things don't go as they used to sexually? 

Sooner or later, the sexual crisis lurks in every relationship. Sex in relationships is therefore not for the faint-hearted, it is sex for the advanced. 

And contrary to what is often thought, this crisis does not have to be the end of shared sexuality, but can be a transition to a sexuality that we have never known before - more relaxed, more personal, more expectation-free, deeper.

In this seminar we will gain an understanding of

  • how our own life story shapes our sexuality
  • how our own life story shapes our sexuality
  • how our body tension affects our emotions and our sexual experience
  • what we can do to become present, loving and sensual lovers in an individual way


15-17th of March, 2024.


MOST Pszichoterápiás rendelő

Budapest., I. ker., Attila út 133. (near Déli train station)


Early bird fee before the 17th of December

240 euro

Regular fee after the 17th of december

280 euro


ferfinaklenni2024 (at)

The workshop is held in English, with Hungarian translation, if needed.

Marc Rackelmann

Berlinben élő Dipl. Pol., ECP, testpszichoterapeuta és párterapeuta. Testpszichoterápiás és párterápiás kiképző és szupervízor, szakmai cikkek és a “Make Love – das Männerbuch” szerzője, a Német Testpszichoterápiás Egyesület (DGK) alelnöke és az Európai Testpszichoterápiás Egyesület (EABP) elnökségi tagja.

Marc Rackelmann