Self-awareness groups

Our workshops are for men and we adress topics that are highly important, yet mostly neglected, treated as taboo, such as father wounds, the male intimacy, ways of connecting emotionally and physically with others and ourselves, male destiny, toxic and healing masculinity, brotherhood, vulnerability, violence and safe strength, relation with our internal feminine side as well the feminine quality and the Women in the external world.

The goal of our retreats are not an adjustment to an external male ideal, or to “tell” you what a real man is like and what you should become. Instead, you will learn how to connect with your internal authentic maleness. We provide a safe space and situations that allow you to better awaken, get to know and experience your more or less embodied masculine quality and the unique strength inherent in this stage of your life.

We will dig from a rich repertoire of somatic and body psychotherapeutic methods. The most important of these are: Integrative Somato-Psychotherapy, Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy, Contact Improvisation, Psychobox, Ritual work, Applied Anatomy, Authentic Movement, Forest Improvisation.

The language of the events are English and/or Hungarian, depending on the composition and linguistic specificities of the group. You are welcome to join and address the topics listed above and to find a suitable place and supportive group to address the challenges and issues related to your masculinity and to face any fears you may have.

The International Moving Man Institute © - önismereti csoport


Our 40-hour intensive workshops give you the chance to get a taste of Moving Man

Closed groups

An in-depth journey into discovering and fulfilling the unique man inside you in order to live a happier, more authentic and freer life and be a more honest partner to all those you connect with.

To support men to develop their relationship with their own bodies, emotions, and other aspects of their masculinity. Our methodology is inspired by the approaches of various body-psychotherapie and bodywork methods, communication, and movement techniques, integrated into a coherent system and adapted to men's groups.

We will start a 5 modules long-term group on 7-10 November 2024, based on the following themes

Body relationship

  • getting to know my body better
  • exploring my body more intimately
  • exploring my body more deeply
  • taking control of my body
  • my posture, my movement qualities and my voices

Emotions relationship

  • acceptance of my emotions
  • managing my emotions
  • Which emotions do I give space to and which don't? Why? What do I do with my emotions?
  • expressing, communicating and using my emotions to navigate myself and the world
  • relationship to my strength and vulnerability
  • shadow work - my unacknowledged, shamed sides, my qualities

External and universal reference points

  • Male role models, my male role models
  • the boy
  • the wild man
  • the father, fatherhood
  • the wise

Social relationships

  • to give myself - to keep someone
  • protecting my boundaries and welcoming others
  • my relationships with women and men

Relationship with the physical and spiritual environment

  • my relationship with nature
  • my relationship with space
  • my relationship with objects
  • my relationship with the universe
  • My "vision", my purpose in life, "Why am I here?"

This retreat is for you:

  • if the above topics appeal to you and you would like to have enough time and a safe space in order to address them
  • If you would like to belong to a safe and supportive group of men
  • If you feel a call to work with men and would like to work on yourself and gather experiences in order to run similar groups in the future